Monday, November 1, 2010

Drawing and LSD

-Heres an article I found a few years back studying the effects of LSD. I find it fascinating.-
These drawings were done as part of a CIA experiment aimed at determining the effects of LSD on the human body. The drawings are incredibly fascinating, particularly due to the progression of style that occurs throughout the experiment.  They administered 100ul of LSD to the artist and gave the artist free access to an activity box full of crayons. His subject was the medical assistant who administered the LSD.
1. Minute: 0 – Yep this is the control
LSD drawing 1
2. Minute: 85 – Artist claims to be seeing much more clearly, but is having a hard time stopping the crayon.
LSD drawing 2
3. Minute: 150 – Artist describes his drawing as changing color and that his consciousness is situated in his hand.
LSD drawing 3
4. Minute: 152 – Artist is having a hard time distinguishing the lines on the paper, as they are warping before his eyes.
LSD drawing 4
5. Minute: 155 – Attempts to draw picture in one stroke, breaks down laughing afterwards.
LSD drawing 5
6. Minute: 165 – Artist no longer vocalizes his thoughts and mumbles nonsensical phrases.
LSD drawing 6
7. Minute: 265 – Artist predicts that this will be his best drawing yet. Then continues to repeat the phrase “I know.” Then begins the run around the room.
LSD drawing 7
8. Minute: 345 – Artist reports that he is getting back to normal now that he can feel his legs again, but the pencil (crayon) remains hard to hold.
LSD drawing 8
9. Minute: 480 – Artist reports that he is no longer feeling the effects of the LSD and that he would like to go home.
LSD drawing 9


NanoJen said...

I love this series. It's incredible to watch the progression. Number six is awesome!

Rambles'N'Shambles said...

Wow watching the progression is interesting.
Im pretty fond of number 7

The Informant said...

I've seen thise before.

My favorite one had to be #6, it reminded me of a Picasso piece. said...

that was actually pretty cool experience

Willow said...

I loved this when I first saw it. Reminded me of a mad magazine drawing that was supposed to be done on acid. Here it is

Kieran Laird said...

I lol'd at number 4

Anonymous said...

lol thats hilarious, pic #6 is a bit crazy, i bet it looks awesome in color

Stav88os said...

Cool Story Bro!;)

Anonymous said...

number 6 is definitely the best! picasso-style

CupidStunts said...

Number 7 is my personalfavourite, there's still the a face there, but other things going on in the background too.

Mamin odabir said...

This is awesome! Thanks! Follow! :D

Jimmy Volmer said...

wow, I suck at drawing, so I'm impressed

Phil McKracken said...

A great post! Very interesting.

Nerd Life said...

very nice work with this